BIOzone Food Purifier

BIOzone food purifier sesuai digunakan untuk memghilangkan bau dan menyingkirkan bakteria dalam petiais dan almari kasut.
Untuk keterangan lanjut,sila hubungi ; ASRI 019 4800755
BIOzone Car Sterillizer
BIOzone Food Purifier menggunakan proses pengkhususannya iaitu menyatupadukan bahan perintang ozon bagi mengubah oksigen (O2) menjadi ozon (O3). Ozon akan kembali menjadi oksigen setelah menjalankan fungsi untuk menyingkirkan bahan-bahan pencemar. Biozone Food Purifier adalah efektif untuk:
- Menyingkirkan toksin larut air, toksik larut lemak dan bakteria dalam makanan
- Memulihara kesegaran makanan
- Menyingkirkan bau
Ciri-ciri produk
• 100% tiub silikon bergred medikal • Batu seramik bergred tinggi • Mudah alih • Selamat • Penyelenggaraan minima
• 100% tiub silikon bergred medikal • Batu seramik bergred tinggi • Mudah alih • Selamat • Penyelenggaraan minima
Kelebihan Proses BIOzone
• Selamat • Penjanaan ozon yang konsisten • Efektif • Memulihara nutrien makanan
Cara penggunaan: Letakkan makanan yang perlu dipurifikasi ke dalam semangkuk air. Pastikan paras air menutupi makanan. Masukkan tiub silikon bergred medikal ke dalam air dan tekan butang pengawal masa untuk menentukan masa purifikasi.• Selamat • Penjanaan ozon yang konsisten • Efektif • Memulihara nutrien makanan

Buih-buih putih merupakan toksid larut lemak yang disingkirkan dalam ayam. Buih-buih tadi dikumpulkan (gambar kanan) dan dibakar. Ianya tidak terbakar. Menurut kajian, bahan ini banyak terdapat disaluran jantung pada pesakit jantung.

Pewarna air sirap telah disingkirkan oleh BIOzone food purifier
Buah-buahan akan menjadi lebih segar, lebih sedap dan tahan lebih lama setelah menjalani proses BIOzone food purifier
Rasa salad lebih manis dan sedap setelah menjalani proses BIOzone food purifier berbanding sebelumnya yang rasanya pahit.
Air dari proses BIOzone sangat sesuai untuk merawat dan mencuci muka (spa rawatan muka).
Untuk keterangan lanjut,sila hubungi ; ASRI 019 4800755
BIOzone Car Sterillizer
Kebanyakkan daripada kita menggunakan penyegar udara untuk memperbaiki kualiti udara dalam kenderaan tanpa mengetahui kesan-kesan sampingan. Teknologi penyegaran udara pasif biasanya memerangkap debu dan partikel-partikel.
Sementara itu, unit penyegaran udara aktif iaitu BIOzone Car Sterilizer menyingkirkan agen pencemar biological dan kimia yang hadir dalam kenderaan. Unit ini menggunakan teknologi ‘cold plasma’dari Jepun yang menggabungkan penghasilan ion dan ozon.Ia menukarkan oksigen (O2) kepada ozon (O3) yang kembali menjadi oksigen setelah menyingkirkan bahan-bahan pencemar.
BIOzone menghasilkan ozon aktif untuk;
· Menyingkirkan VOC,bau tembakau, bau makanan, bau haiwan dan bau automobile
· Membasmi bahan-bahan pencemar biological (bacteria)
· Menyegarkan udara dalam kereta.
· Selamat (penghasilsn ozon tidak melebihi 0.03 ppm)
· Ringan dan mudah digunakan serta tanpa selenggaraan
· Menggunakan teknologi ‘cold plasma’ Jepun yangmenghasilkan ozon pada tahap yang tetap dan tidak menghasilkan bahan-bahan sampingan (nitrogen oksida)
· Mesra alam, US FDA menetapkan tahap maksimum ozon yang dibenarkan pada 0.05ppm.
Kegunaan untuk 2 tahun dan waranti selama 6 bulan. Tiada tarikh luput.
Untuk keterangan lanjut,sila hubungi ; ASRI 019 4800755
Dengan Biozone, suasana dalam kereta amat menyegarkan - Pn Nor Ashikin
Sebelum menggunakan biozone, saya menggunakan pewangi kereta tetapi bau udara dalam kereta bercampur dengan bau makanan anak dan barang-barang pasar. Ia menyebabkan saya rasa tidak selesa. Setelah menggunakan biozone, udara dalam kereta amat menyegarkan, tiada lagi bau-bau yang tidak menyenangkan. Yang menakjubkan saya, bau durian yang saya letakkan dalam kereta hilang kurang dari satu minit setelah saya menggunakan biozone walaupun buah durian masih lagi ada dalam kereta. Dengan biozone, saya tidak lagi membeli pewangi kereta dan ia amat menjimatkan kerana ia boleh digunakan sehingga 2 tahun. Kini, kereta adalah rumah kedua saya dan saya amat gembira berada dalam kereta.
Saya rasa segar dan tidak lagi mudah mengantuk ketika memandu lama - Meor Saiful
Saya mempunyai masalah cepat mengantuk ketika memandu terutama jika perjalanan jauh dan waktu malam. Setelah menggunakan biozone, saya terasa perubahan pada diri saya ketika memandu. Saya boleh memandu 5 jam tanpa merasa mengantuk dan tidak rasa letih. Saya sentiasa merasa segar apabila berada dalam kereta. Masalah pening kepala yang sering saya hadapi ketika memandu juga sudah tiada lagi. Produk biozone ini amat hebat dan ianya sangat berbaloi kerana saya tidak perlu lagi membeli penyegar udara dalam kereta.
BioZone leads the way in Deep-UV and Photocatalytic Oxidation technology with cutting-edge R&D
- Photo Catalytic Oxidation process destroys VOC catalytically on the surface material
- Photoplasma eliminates the reproductive capability of micro-organisms and reduces the number of micro-organisms and then forms back to O2 and H2O
- Inside the machine Deep-UV-light sterilizes microorganisms that pass through
- Negative Ions decrease the total concentration of harmful chemicals in the air
- Ozone obliterates bacteria, viruses, fungi, and removes odor from the air
Triple Biozone technology Processes
The Biozone Science Explained
Biozone Scientific's PureWave™ process removes contaminants from air and surfaces by combining two very powerful purifying technologies - photoplasma and photochemistry. While these methodologies have been well studied and documented by the scientific community, the synergy of their interaction produces a unique and a superlative way of cleaning air and surfaces of contaminants.
Processes that take place in the cleaning chamber :
Photochemical Effect
Chemical reaction caused by exposure to a specific light energy. Breaks down harmful organic molecules passing into the cleaning chamber via the airflow.
Photo Catalytic Oxydation
UV light irradiation of titanium dioxide; a potent photocatalyst which participates in the chemical reactions. The PCO creates chemical reactions and produces hydroxyl radicals and superoxide ions which are highly reactive and shall oxidize volatile organic compounds (VOCs), bacteria, viruses and fungi in the room where the device is placed.
PhotoplasmaThe excitation of gas by the radio frequency energy – in our case we excite gases by the energy waves of ultraviolet light – to create an energized gas which is highly reactive with the organic contaminants. This purifying plasma is blown by the device into the room and contains atoms, excited molecules, ionized gases, radicals, metastable particles and free electrons that can destroy any organic contaminant.
The combined action of these three purification techniques makes the decontamination process used by BioZone unique.The Biozone Science Explained
Biozone Scientific's PureWave™ process removes contaminants from air and surfaces by combining two very powerful purifying technologies - photoplasma and photochemistry. While these methodologies have been well studied and documented by the scientific community, the synergy of their interaction produces a unique and a superlative way of cleaning air and surfaces of contaminants.
Photochemistry is the chemical reaction or change in material caused by exposure to light energy. The process typically requires the use of photons in the ultraviolet spectral range. Ultraviolet light in this range is useful for disinfection purposes. When a strong enough ultraviolet light is present, it becomes useful in the destruction of contaminating organic compounds. Almost all indoor contaminants are organic, such as toxic volatile organic compounds, dust particles like dander, hair, dust mite feces, etc., and biological contaminants like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Photochemistry can break down these harmful organic molecules. Ultraviolet light with enough energy such as in the 100-280 nanometer wavelength range can also break down the electron bonds of an organic molecule.
Ultraviolet wavelengths in the 100-280 nanometer bandwidth not only break down electron bonding of an organic molecule, but also initiate the formation of a cold gas plasma. We excite gases by the energy from ultraviolet light waves and create a highly energized gaseous state. The plasma, or highly energized gaseous state, is aggressive and highly reactive and contains excited atoms and molecules, ionized gases, radicals, and free electrons. It can destroy just about all organic contaminants. The destruction mechanism primarily involves the photodissociation of molecular oxygen leading to the formation of highly oxidizing species, such as atomic oxygen, molecular singlet oxygen and ozone. These reactive species interact with contaminants converting most to carbon dioxide and water. The UV light also creates electron ejection of organic molecules that produces additional free radical creation. The radicals react with oxygen producing hydroperoxide ions, with the whole process creating a chain reaction with organic compounds triggering further oxidation. When additional hydrogen is added as in the form of water or water vapor (humidity), the highly oxidative species hydroxyl radicals is created. These radical ions are stable and are very destructive to organic contaminants because they steal hydrogen atoms from the organic materials, leaving decaying carbon ions. The theft of hydrogen from organic molecules forms even stronger hydroxyl radical bonds with even higher oxidation potential. This entire process turns into a chain reaction Ð the breakdown and formation of new hydroxyl radicals results in the continual decay of organic material.
The ejecting of electrons from a molecule by high energy ultraviolet light is called the photoelectric effect, and it can be further enhanced by irradiating what is called a "photoelectron emitting member" to eject more electrons. Such a photoelectron emitting member is contained in Biozone Air Purifiers. The photoelectrons ejected are used to charge fine particles in a gas which are then removed from the air stream as they attach to oppositely charged surfaces. This electrically charging of dust and other particulates can remove particles as small as .001 micron. It should be noted that each of the electron ejections can cause multiple ionization events. For example, in the photoelectric effect, the photon undergoes only one interaction, yet thousands of ionizations can be caused by the resultant electron and its products.
The PureWave™ process combining photochemistry and photoplasma has been reported to be extremely potent in removing contaminants from the air and surfaces. There is scientific evidence that surfaces can be decontaminated 100 - 2000 times faster than with other purifying methods.
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